Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween to one and all. Don't eat too much candy or you'll have to visit the doctor.

Now playing:
AFI - Halloween
via FoxyTunes
via FoxyTunes

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's snowing.....

That's right, it is snowing in NE Wisconsin. -sighs- I do not like snow like I used to when I was a kid. Back then I couldn't wait for it to snow. Prayed for snow days. We hardly got 'em then. Nowadays, kids get off school if the wind blows wrong.

I'm gettin' to old for this shit.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Jensen Ackles of Supernatural "Eye Of The Tiger"

This is 6 kinds of awesome!

Obama Haters at it again.....

This story is obviously complete bullshit. The only question is: is it a fabrication invented by a desperate McCain supporter in order to play on the racist fears of idiots? Or is it actually a piece of satire invented by an Obama supporter? Only time will tell.

I support Barak Obama 100%. So all you McCain/Palin supporters keep your nasty comments to yourself. Polite conversation will be tolerated but do NOT start bashing or flamming.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Welcome one and all

Hello and welcome to my side of the asylum. We have straight jackets for everyone.

I've been following a couple blogs of one Hunter Burgen and Jade Puget and figured what the hell. I'll give this a shot too. Not like I'm gonna get the response they do but ya never know until ya try right? So here is my college try. Don't laugh at the old lady...its not polite.