Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Its spring in Wisconsin

Welcome to the first week of spring in NE Wisconsin.

Today it is going to rain with thunderstorms this afternoon and be in the mid 40's. This will carry on for a couple days with the temps maxing out at 50 or so by midweek. THEN....are ya ready for this.....it is going to SNOW this weekend with the HIGH temp. around 30.

Put your seat belts on and enjoy the ride.

Monday, March 23, 2009


All these pics were taken in my yard last summer. Who would of thought that I could grow something so pretty.

Good morning all


I come here today to tell you all about a website called Supernatural.tv -clears throat- STAY AWAY FROM THERE AT ALL COSTS unless you want to get banned for no apparent reason. Yes my friends it has happened. The good get banned and the trouble makers get to stay. I was banned from that piece of a site yesterday because I was mean. -rolls eyes- This coming from a member there who does nothing but cause trouble and kiss the MODS/ADMINS asses on a daily basis. That members screen name is katieluvdean but she doesn't "love Dean" because all that snit does is bitch moan groan and complain about him. Uhhhh when you say you're a fan you're not supposed to bitch about every nuance pertaining to that character or show. Am I right?

The great thing about that place is that they tell you you've been banned AFTER the fact. No judge, jury NOTHING. You are guilty until proven guilty. The MODS/ADMIN over there have their favorites and if you're not one of them you are screwed...no lube...you just gotta take it up the ass.

So in short kiddies stay away from supernatural.tv there are plenty of other sites out there if you're a fan of the show.
